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Submitted by: Wilmerey Irwin
However, not all companies provide high-quality janitorial services so it is suggested to make sure that the company being hired is able to perform well and clean facilities thoroughly.
Hiring a janitorial service could come in handy during parties and special occasions. Just look up your local listing and choose which service you would like. Give the company a call to inquire and discuss details, such as when you need the service and the fees. This way, you can enjoy your parties, meetings, or any other activities without having to worry about cleaning up afterwards.
Using environmentally sound products are safer for the janitorial service to use. This reduces their risk of illness and injury while on the job which translates to delays for you and liability for the janitorial service. Natural products mean they can reduce the amount of liability insurance because risk is reduced and pass the savings on to you.
As of 2003, the Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) said that the janitorial services sector in the U.S. earned $94.5 billion with over 56,000 cleaning contractors in operation.
You can save yourself from worry, knowing that the specialists are taking care of your facility. Plus if you are unhappy with the quality of a certain service it is much easier to find a new service than it would be to fire an in-house employee whose performance is not living up to your cleaning standards.
There are thousands of janitorial services out there so you need to make sure you choose one that can maintain the philosophy and professional image of your business. Your company should also employ background checks on all individuals that are going to be working at your business. Even though you are hiring an outside service, the individuals that work for the service work for you, and while they’re in your property, they should be expected to follow the same procedures as everyone else in your organization. A quality cleaning service should provide floor cleaning, resurfacing, bathroom sanitizing, quality class cleaning, carpet care, garbage removal and other valuable services. When finding a janitorial company for your business, make sure to be thorough in your search and always check for references.
Hiring a commercial janitorial service is a step in building your business. For every small business owner, there comes a day when they decide they’ve had enough of mopping and scrubbing, and they can shell out a few bucks to have somebody else do it. Find a commercial janitorial service in your area, and leave the dirty work to the pros.
The second and most important thing that most companies forget to check is for liability insurance coverage, These days every janitorial service claims to be licensed, bonded, and insured but the truth is that most businesses forget to verify this at the point of signing up for the service. This is very crucial because accidents do happen and if something were to go wrong you would not want to waste your time going to court to collect money from someone that couldn’t even afford to pay for general liability insurance. The minimum insurance coverage you should look for is for one million dollars.
If you have not already gotten references from the office cleaning company, be sure to ask them to bring some. Have them also bring of copy of their business license, insurance, and bonding so you can verify their legitimacy.
About the Author: Essential Areas of Janitorial Services. Visit
. Janitorial Supplies Versus Janitorial Service. Visit
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