Is It Possible To Stop Smoking With Prozac?

By Rory Herts

The effects of smoking can be detrimental to a person’s lifestyle. It can significantly change a person’s appearance by discoloring the teeth, hastening tooth decay, and causing premature aging. Worse, it can also cause a great deal of suffering for people who end up with emphysema or lung cancer because of cigarette smoking. Non-smokers are also not very fond of the odor of cigarette smoke that can stick to a person’s mouth, hair, and clothes. With the threats of cigarette smoking to one’s health, physical appearance, and social life, many smokers aim to kick the habit.

A Habit that’s Hard to Break

Sometimes, a person’s willingness to quit is not enough to combat nicotine addiction. Nicotine, a substance that is found in cigarettes, tends to give smokers a pleasurable feeling that people who are trying to quit tend to crave for when they are stressed out. This craving makes them resort to returning to their old habit. This is the reason why different forms of nicotine replacement theory like nicotine patches and gums are quite common for people who are trying to quit. Unfortunately, the use of these aids is not always effective. Some people tend to look for other options in order to quit smoking.

Stop Smoking With Prozac and Other Anti-Depressants

In some cases, anti-depressants are used to stop smoking. A lot of research has been done on people who have tried to stop smoking with Prozac, Manerix, Seroxat, Lustral and Efexor. Unfortunately, these substances didn’t help people stop smoking. So far, the only anti-depressant that has been approved by the FDA for smokers who want to quit is bupropion which in known under the brand name Zyban. Another substance that is used for the cessation of cigarette smoking is nortriptyline. Although this is proven to be as ineffective as a placebo, many doctors recommend this option to people who cannot quit smoking using nicotine replacement therapy.


Some Side Effects to Consider

Most of the people who tried to stop smoking with Prozac ended up smoking again because it didn’t reduce their withdrawal cravings. Worse, 30% of the people who tried to stop smoking with Prozac ended up experiencing depression. Not only are most anti-depressants unsuccessful in inhibiting nicotine cravings, they have been known to affect the smoker’s appetite and mental health. Most of the time, the taking in of the medication is followed by nausea and mood swings. Even worse, these people end up becoming suicidal. In fact, doctors are advised by the FDA to put people taking anti-depressants under constant supervision just in case their depression becomes worse. It has been found that the tendency for them to harm themselves becomes higher during the first few months of treatment or when the dosage of the medication is changed.

Because of the severe side effects caused by anti-depressants, people who plan on kicking the habit should consider this is a last resort. Perhaps they should try forms of nicotine replacement therapy like nicotine patches and gums first. Smoking cessation is a slow process and should be taken one step at a time.

About the Author: Can’t go cold turkey? Consider trying to

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